August 1, 2018
The Honorable Barry Loudermilk
Loudermilk for Congress
Dear Representative Loudermilk:
National Right to Life is pleased to endorse you for reelection to the U.S. House of Representatives. We strongly commend you for your perfect 100 percent pro-life voting record in the 115th Congress. During the current 115th Congress, you voted for the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, legislation to protect unborn children who can feel pain at 20 weeks, a point by which the unborn child is capable of experiencing great pain when being killed by dismemberment or other late abortion methods.
You voted for the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, a bill that would establish a permanent,
government-wide policy against funding abortions or health plans that cover abortions.
You voted to block federal funding of the nation’s largest abortion provider. And you voted to repeal the Obama healthcare law – a law that created a national program of massive federal subsidies for insurance plans that cover abortion.
Voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable
members of the human family should vote to return you to Congress, so that you can continue to
work to advance vital pro-life public policies.
David N. O’Steen,Ph.D. Jennifer Popik, J.D. Karen A. Cross
Executive Director Legislative Director Political Director
View PDF HERE: NRTL GA 11 Barry Loudermilk 2018 endorsement